Monday, June 2, 2014

Why Consider a Juice Detox Program?

A juice detox or cleanse can give you a jump start a clean body and transition to a long-term, healthier relationship with food. People that have followed, even my 3 day juice detox program, have shared that within those 3 days, they rediscover their ability to listen to their bodies, appreciate their will power, and find mental clarity and energy like never before! Due to the specific recipes of my juices, cravings for salty, fatty, or sweet foods will start to dissipate AND you won't feel hungry, tired, or suffer headaches or nausea like any kind of cleanse can initiate. Participants have shared a renewed appreciation for the natural flavors of whole, fresh foods, and can identify normal hunger and fullness cues.

Seeing changes on a scale and feeling changes in how your clothes fit can create the motivation and confidence to begin a long lasting journey of health. The commitment to doing a raw, fresh pressed juice detox program makes you more aware of your emotional, social, environmental, and habitual eating triggers, and awareness is the precursor to making necessary changes in unhealthy patterns. A juice detox program can reinforce healthy goals and make tasks like cooking at home more often, eating breakfast each day, and bringing your lunch to work, even exercise -look and feel a whole lot easier.

Happy Juicing!

Nicole Muilenburg
Wellness Practitioner

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